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Event Details

Informal Reading: The Last Kings of Alba

  • 02/03/2019
  • 19:45 - 22:45
  • Putney Arts Theatre

We had the Shakespeare version, now it's time for the historically accurate version...!

Harry Chambers would be delighted if you'd join him for an informal reading of his take on the Macbeth origin story, called The Last Kings of Alba. 

This will be an informal reading, with roles allocated on the day to those that are there. 

It's also a great chance to catch up with PTC members for a few drinks, and these evenings are always very good fun. 

Finally, this will be Harry Chambers last reading with us before he heads off up north, so please do all try to turn up to wish him well on his new adventure!

If you're not a member yet and would like to attend, then please just get in touch with us.

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Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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